Borderlands Wiki
We see the pain in your eyes. We sense your anger, your feelings of betrayal, and your disgust. And we at Vladof are with you. The time is coming, comrades! The time to stand up and be heard is nearly upon us and you must be prepared. You must be armed! Vladof firearms were designed for this moment in time. Seize it! When you shoulder a Vladof, you will know at once that you are not alone and that you can be heard. You will be heard! All Vladof weapons are constructed in the factories of your brethren and designed to pack the highest firing rate possible. The oppressors will be fast - we know this - Vladof helps you to be even quicker. Rise with Vladof. Together we will forge a better tomorrow!
— Vladof Verkaufspräsentation, Offizieller Borderlands Guide


Vladof ist ein Hersteller in Borderlands und Borderlands 2. Vladof-Waffen tendieren dazu eine etwas niedrigere Genauigkeit aber dafür eine hohe Feuerrate im Vergleich zu Waffen anderer Hersteller zu haben.


Am bekanntesten in Borderlands ist Vladof durch seine Scharfschützengewehre.

Borderlands 2


Gewöhnliche Waffen:

E-Tech Waffen:

Einzigartige Waffen:[[Gunner|

Vladof logo


Vladof logo


Legendäre Waffen:

Seraph Waffen:

Perlglanz Waffen:


  • Stalker
  • Trickster
  • Hamster
  • Gunner
  • Anarchist (Klassen-Mod)



Vladof Logo
